Curious to see how much you can make? Check out the example below.
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Suzy has a great design she’s been working on for her Candy Cart. Since her cart is small and mobile, she wants to make sure she doesn’t have too much leftover inventory, as space is tight. Suzy sent us her design and requested that we launch a store with a t-shirt and a hoodie. We sent Suzy our favorite garments and she picked out the super soft Canvas 3001, and the Independent Trading Co. IND4000. After we quoted her for the printing price, packing and shipping prices, Suzy decided that she wanted to sell the t-shirts for $25 and the Hoodies for $45. Shipping would be a flat $5 for the customers and we’d launch the store for 2 weeks.
After 2 weeks have gone by Suzy sold 68 t-shirts and 43 hoodies! Great job Suzy! We put her order right into production after the store closed and got to work fulfilling all the orders for her customers. Below is a breakdown of the approximate costs and profits for Suzy’s Candy Cart.
The store setup was $30 - $20 for the first product and $10 for the following products
Store Setup = $30
Suzy’s Store generated a total of $3567 not including shipping
There were a total of 111 orders and each customer was charged $5 flat rate shipping
Suzy’s Sales = $4,122
Since Suzy’s design was only 1 color of ink, the t-shirts cost her $8.00 and the hoodies cost her $24.00
The setup for the one color of ink was $30.00
Printing and Apparel Cost = $1,606
Credit card processing cost a total of 3.5% of the total sales generated
Processing fees = $144.27
The 111 orders were charged a $2 flat fee for packing each. The postage averaged out to be $3.50 per order.
Packing and Shipping Costs - $610.50
So Suzy generated $4122 and her total costs were $2390.77